Short info about me
My name is Tonda, "Gabriel," Buček. I live with my family in Brno, where I also graduated in computer science at FIT VUT, computer graphics.
I work as a software engeneer in Cadwork company. We develop 3D CAD focuses mainly on modeling and design of wooden buildings. I devote my time primarily to music. I work as a guitarist, songwriter and manager for symphonic-power metal band Rosa Nocturna. My main inspiration is Tuomas Holopainen (Nightwish) and Tobias Sammet (Avantasia, Edguy). List of favorite bands would be really long, it would include other musical genres beside the metal and it would end up in classical music. I deal with finances. Mainly investments and trading on the stock exchange. My other interests are movies, movie making, books, writing, fantasy, dinosaurs, planes, geocaching and nature. I eat chilli and drink Coca-cola instead of beer. |
I play the guitar in symphonic-metal band called Rosa Rocturna with hometown in Brno, Czech Republic. Visit our web page and listen to our music. More in Music.
My software for learning languages and all other word pairs. It is for free. It enables you to create your own dictionaries. The page is in Czech but the program itself contain English translation. Download Ucitko for free